Landlord & Tenant - Rent Reviews & Lease Renewals


Gilmartin Ley has a well-established market presence in rent reviews and lease renewals on all types of commercial property on behalf of both landlords and tenants.

Our Chartered Surveyors enter into detailed negotiations with a view to reaching the best negotiated settlement on behalf of the customer.  We also have the skills and experience necessary to prepare written submissions if the matter is referred to an Arbitrator or Independent Expert or, in the case of a lease renewal, the County Court.

Our service on rent reviews and lease renewals typically involves:


Joe Salmon, Director, Valuation & Professional

tel.:  020 8920 9941

Other information:

What the RICS has to say about using PACT (Professional Arbitration on Court Terms) to settle disputes concerning lease renewals under the 1954 Act

The RICS PACT Guidance Note